The WILL TAEKWON-DO GROUP was founded by Master Eric in 2002 as one of the dominant group of Taekwon-Do in North Peninsular Malaysia, Malaysia. Since 2002, the school has been successfully introducing traditional Korean Tae Kwon do to the public throughout the northern region of Malaysia. The reputation and influence of our group went on nationally as well. The affiliation of the school ranges from states in Malaysia which shares the same tradition and technological study of Taekwon-Do.The purpose and goal of the group is to provide quality instruction in both the traditional & sport Korean Martial Art of Taekwon-Do and unique cultural interexchange of two cultures. We teach not only self-defense technique but also the essence of respect and self-confidence. It's beneficial for all ages men, women, and children.The Classes at WILL Taekwon-Do Academy/Centres/Branches are instructed by Master Eric and his qualified group of Instructors who possessed with the official qualifications, certifications and recognition, so to ensure the same standard & quality of teaching. Master Eric has been appointed as the Chief Instructor for Kulim/ Bandar Baharu District, the Chairman of Penang South-West Province Taekwon-Do Association (GTF), the certified examiner and qualified umpire. He is a well-known martial arts figure amongst martial arts communities in the region. He has over 26 years of experience in the art, has trained many black belts students and is now been recognised as the International Instructor. All the classes in the WILL Taekwon-Do Academy (Kulim Main Branch) are conducted by Master Eric himself. Master Eric welcomes you to visit the academy/school and try a payment free trail lesson. No previous martial art experience is required. You can learn and practice at your own pace with the guidance of Master Eric.


Grade 10- White Belt

1. Saju-Jirugi and Saju-Makgi
2. Sitting Stance, Middle Section Punch
3. L-Stance Outer forearm Middle Guarding Block
4. Front Rising Kick with Low Wedging Block
5. Front Snap Kick
6. Side Rising
7. Side Piercing Kick
8. Turning Kick
9. Questions

Grade 9- Yellow Stripe

1. Chon-Ji
2. L-Stance Knife Hand Guarding Block
3. Walking Stance Inner Forearm Outward Block(Move Forward)
4. Walking Stance Front Snap Kick(Move Forward)
5. L-Stance Side Piercing Kick(Move Forward)
6. L-Stance Turning Kick(Move Forward)
7. L-Stance Lower Checking Kick(Move Forward)
8. 3-Step Sparring(Limited to handwork)
9. Questions

Grade 8- Yellow Belt

1. Chon-Ji, Dan-Gun
2. Back Kick
3. Front Kick and Side Kick
4. Front Kick and Turning Kick
5. Side Kick and Back Kick
6. Turning Kick and Back Kick
7. 3-Step Sparring(simple counter attack)
8. Semi-Free Sparring
9. Questions

Grade 7- Green Stripe

1. Dan-Gun, Do-San
2. Twisting Kick
3. Hooking Kick
4. Cresent Kick
5. Front Kick and Turning Kick(same leg)
6. Checking Kick and Side Kick(same leg)
7. 2-Step Sparring(more advance hand techniques)
8. Free Sparring
9. Questions

Grade 6- Green Belt

1. Do-San, Wan-Hyo
2. Walking Stance Lower Block and High Block(same hand)
3. Reverse Hooking Kick
4. Downward Kick
5. Turning Kick and Twisting Kick
6. Cresent Kick and Side Kick
7. 2-Step Sparring(more advance kicking techniques)
8. Free Sparring
9. Questions

Grade 5- Blue Stripe

1. Wan-Hyo, Yul-Gok
2. Walking Stance Outer Forearm Outward Block and Reverse Punch
3. L-Stance U-Shape Block
4. Hooking Kick and Turning Kick(Same Leg)
5. Sliding Side Kick
6. Turning Kick and Reverse Hooking Kick
7. 1-Step Sparring(defence against reverse attack)
8. Free Sparring
9. Questions

Grade 4- Blue Belt

1. Yul-Gok, Joong-Gun
2. Walking Stance Hook Block and Reverse Punch
3. Jumping Front Kick
4. Jumping Side Kick
5. Jumping Turning Kick
6. Turning Kick followed by Reverse Turning Kick(spinning kick)
7. 1-Step Sparring(jumping kicks)
8. Free Sparring
9. Questions

Grade 3- Red Stripe

1. Joong-Gun, Toi-Gye
2. Lower Reverse inner Forearm block and Reverse Punch
3. Jumping Lower X-Block
4. Jumping back Kick
5. Side Kick followed by Jumping Side Kick
6. Turning Kick followed by Jumping Turning Kick
7. 1-Step Sparring(defence against the front kick and turning kick)
8. Free Sparring
9. Questions

Grade 2- Red Belt

1. Toi-Gye, Hwa-Rang
2. L-Stance Jumping Reverse 360Degree Mid-Air Knife hand Guarding Block
3. Side Kick and Jumping Back Kick
4. Turning Kick and Jumping back Kick
5. Jumping Reverse Hooking Kick
6. Reverse Hooking Kick and Turning Kick(same and different leg)
7. 1-Step Sparring(defence against the side kick, back kick and reverse hooking kick)
8. Free Sparring
9. Questions

Grade 1- Black Stripe

1. Hwa-Rang, Choong-Moo All other patterns chosen by the examiner.
2. Revision of all previous kicks.
3. Turning Kick and Jumping Reverse Turning Kick combination/ Jumping Reverse Hooking Kick and Jumping Reverse Hooking Kick combination
4. 3-Step, 2-Step and 1-Step Sparring(defence against continuous attacks and jumping kicks)
5. General Self-Defence and Break-fall Techniques
6. Weapons Self-Defence
7. Free Sparring(1-1, 1-2 and out-numbered)
8. Power Breaking Test
9. Questions

First Degree Black Belt

1. Gwang-Gae, Po-Eun, Ge-Baek and other patterns chosen by the examiner
2. Jumping Reverse Hooking Kick and Jumping Back Kick
3. Flying kicking techniques on target plank
4. Two directional kick in mid air
5. Special Technique-Breaking
6. Any Step Sparring chosen by the Examiner, starting with either right or left foot back.
7. Wrist releasing techniques
8. Breakfalls(Side, Back and Forward)
9. General Self-Defense
10. Power Breaking
11. Free Sparring
12.Throws-Throwing Footwork, Hand Techniques, Hip Techniques, Hand and Feet Techniques, Body-Weight Techniques, Spinning Techniques, Locking Techniques and Strangling
13. In Fighting-Grappling on the feet, Ground Grappling and Free Grappling
14. Questions
15. Unique Martial Arts Weapon Demonstration

Second Degree Black Belt

1. Eui-Am, Choong-Jang, Juche, (Ko-Dank, Jook-Am) and other patterns chosen by the examiner.
2. Kicking and Punching Combination
3. Jumping and Flying Kicks
4. Special Techniques
5. Any Step Sparring chosen by the Examiner and Free Step Sparring
6. Wrist Releasing Techniques
7. Break Falls
8. Self-defense Techniques
9. Power Breaking
10. Free Sparring
11. Questions
12. Two Page Essay
13. Throwing Techniques
14. Grappling Techniques
15. Unique Martial Arts Weapon Demonstration