- Disinfectant and germicide, strictly for EXTERNAL USE only./ Pembunuh kuman, hanya untuk KEGUNAAN LUAR sahaja.
Asthma is a condition in which the muscles of the air passages go into spasms. This makes the airway constricted and breathing become difficult. Asthma attacks can occur because of nervous tention or allergy.
- Casualty may be restless.
- Has difficulty speaking.
- Difficulty in breathing, especially breathing out.
- Face turns blue.
Asthma sufferers usually carry an aerosol inhaler or a nebulizer.
What to do
- Calm the casualty down.
- Help him sit down, leaning slightly forward on a support.
- Ensure a good supply of air.
- Allow casualty to take his medication if he has it. This may relieve him.
- If symptoms persist or casualty gets attack again seek urgent medical aid.
Germs are found in mouths of most animals. Their bites usually leave deep puncture wounds and inject germs into the tissues. All bites require immediate medical attention.
- Puncture wounds on flesh.
- Wounds may be bleeding profusely or slightly.
- Flush animal's saliva with water thoroughly.
- Clean it with antiseptic liquid solution or dab with antiseptic cream.
- Cover with sterile dressing.
- Seek medical aid.